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Regional Planning Grant to Prevent & End Homelessness

The Regional Planning Grant to Prevent and End Homelessness is designed to support the capacity of Greater Minnesota Continuums of Care (CoCs) and Tribal Nations to prevent and end homelessness while improving the regional homeless response system to help it be more equitable.

The goal of this grant is to focus on ongoing collaborative efforts and develop new initiatives that coordinate strategies among various stakeholders. Enhancing efforts among stakeholders is meant to help regions throughout Minnesota be more effective when advancing goals to prevent and end homelessness.



Eligible applicants include:

  • Federally recognized Tribal Nations (or Tribally designated housing entities) within the state of Minnesota. NOTE: Minnesota Housing will allow up to one applicant (separately or as a part of collaborative application) per Tribe or Tribally designated housing entity to apply.
  • Continuums of Cares (CoC): A nonprofit or for-profit or governmental entity can apply on behalf of a Greater Minnesota CoC. An eligible applicant must have an official designation from the CoC. NOTE: Minnesota Housing will allow up to one applicant per CoC to apply.
These funds are required to be used to support regional planning strategies to prevent and end homelessness. The efforts must be coordinated with HUD CoC grant goals, state homeless programs, and the Minnesota Interagency Council on Homelessness Justice Strategic Plan with a focus on the following five results intended to achieve justice among those who, historically, have been disparately impacted by the housing system:
  1. Homelessness is prevented whenever possible, and services and supports are provided to ensure no one returns to homelessness.
  2. A robust crisis response geared towards housing outcomes supports people staying outside, in emergency shelters, and in community.
  3. People facing homelessness have access to housing options that meet their needs and honors their choice.
  4. Homelessness is treated as a crucial health and public health crisis wherever it occurs.
  5. The state shares power with Indigenous, Black, Brown, Poor, LGBTQIA2S+ (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, and Two-Spirit+) people and people who have faced homelessness to strengthen natural supports within community.

NOTE: These efforts are intended to help make the regional homeless response system more equitable and strengthen resources that will help prevent and end homelessness throughout the state.

Contract Agreements

Contract Agreements

We are no longer accepting applications for funding. Current funding has been contracted and new funding will not be available until 2026.
